Thursday, October 15, 2015

From Morning to Evening

"It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night" Psalm 92:1-2

This scripture has resonated with me recently. It has been written on my hands, my heart and my soul. Every morning of the past 10 weeks I have woken and have praised God for his love. It is God's love that comforts me, and gives me hope of eternal life. As I lay down for bed every night, I am reminded of the Lord's faithfulness. It is all due to his faithfulness that I have made it this far in life. Through the valleys of failed microbiology tests, to the mountain tops of friends who pray for you, I am reminded that every day I walk through life because of God.

Life could not be better.

Every day I go to school, making steps towards a career in nursing. I've started the application process for several nursing schools spanning two states, and I eagerly anticipate what my life as a nurse will look like. I pray for my teachers, my schooling, my future career, and my patients, because I am so eager to serve the Lord through a nursing career. Before I get ahead of myself, I need to graduate from A&M first.

I praise God for the home I am living in. With three wonderful roommates, and two of the most godly landlords, I am so thankful for the safe haven my home has become. There is nothing more relaxing then returning home after a long day of school and work and coming home to women who love Jesus and are excited to share their days with one another. I am thankful for the Bible Study that my landlords started and for quickly opening up their home to a number of college students each week to challenge us and to spend some time in prayer.

I am overjoyed that my job is watching a 20 month old baby boy. Through dirty diapers and many bananas, I am privileged to watch him grow up. I am thankful for the way his family has taken me in, allowing me to grow in my life experiences.

Aggies for Christ has become a spiritual refuge. In the past 8 weeks I have grown in my faith, and I praise God that he led a new college minister to AFC. I am thankful for time in the word with AFC, and for evenings at church where we eat cereal and talk about Jesus.

Blue Bell also has a way of making life sweet, quite literally too.

So like I said, life could not be better. Senior year is supposed to be stressful, scary, and uncertain. However, I am reminded daily of the ways that God is working in my life. So I can't help but praise the Lord for his love and his faithfulness.