Friday, February 8, 2013

Relaxing Trust

School will always be stressful. It's a fact of life that cannot be changed, because just as you get caught up in one class, the workload increases in another. However, while school is going to be stressful, the way you handle that stress is imperative to your overall happiness.

Last semester I stressed. Every day I was calling my mom complaining about this or that, how my hard work wasn't reflecting, and I could go on for days. I complained a lot, and spent more time in the library. I would sit in the library until 12, or until I had completed everything. I would sacrifice sleep just so that I could "be ahead" in my classes.

This was crazy. It really was, because I was making myself physically ill in order to complete things that weren't even due for days. This semester has been different. Sorry mom and dad, but I haven't stepped foot in the library. I don't plan on it, unless I really need to. I can study in my dorm, do my homework in bed, and actually go to sleep at a decent time.

My first test was earlier this week. My approach to this test was quite different than it would have been last semester. While last semester I would have stayed up til 12 the night before in the library, this time around I definitely did not. I studied, then I went to a Superbowl party. I've realized that just because I have tests and work to do, my social life doesn't have to suffer. It's ok for me to go out, and finish an assignment later. It is perfectly fine for me to act like a normal college student and enjoy my limited time here at this awesome University. I have four years here, and when I graduate I don't want to regret spending more time in the library than I did actually enjoying new experiences.

On that test I took, I made a 95. Ya take that Psychology! I am in no means saying that it is ok not to study, but I am saying that I have realized the need to "live a little." My new philosophy is greatly contributed to the fact that I no longer have Thursday classes. While at the beginning of the semester I was extremely frustrated by my schedule, I now enjoy it. I even enjoy those three back-to-back classes starting at 8 on MWF for the most part. Well, maybe not on those Fridays after I've gone dancing the night before, but I'm making due. God has tremendously blessed me this semester. He has opened doors for me to minister to people, to really be intentional with the people in my life.

Sure I'm not at 15 hours so I don't stand a chance for Dean's List, but if by taking 14 hours I can really minster to my friends and be there for them, isn't that worth it? I've learned a lot this past month, and I feel so good putting my schooling in God's hands. I trust that he will help me make the grades I need, and that he will give me the opportunities I desire all if I put my trust in him.

God is taking me places in my education I never thought possible. It is so rewarding to see all my classes come together, and feel that I finally understand what I am being taught. While the stress is still there, I just have to take a step back and evaluate my priorities. By not bearing an anxious heart, I am able to conquer the world.

So in short, I'm trusting in God. I'm finally living, and enjoying my days here. It's not all about the tests,  and exasperating professors, but it's about the people. It's about the beauty of a college community where we will succeed. I will amount to something in due time. I'm excited to see where God takes me, because this I know, his plans will always be much sweeter than I can imagine.