Thursday, November 1, 2012

More Than Conquerors

We are weak. We are broken; yet our strength comes from the Lord. How amazing is it to think that our God has not changed. His power has not diminished over the years. This concept is so hard to grasp considering that we live in a world that as you get older your body weakens, and begins to fail you.  God isn’t like this at all. He has not changed! How amazing is it that OUR God is the same God who healed the lame, opened the eyes of the blind, and sent his son to die on a rugged cross for us. How great is OUR God that he provides us with the strength to overcome the troubles of this world?

Romans chapter 8 talks about Christians being “More Than Conquerors.” Verse 28 “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,” in ALL things. Not just the good, the easy times, but in ALL things. He works for good when a loved one loses a fight to cancer after years of treatment; he works for good in all things, even when the world seems to tell you that your life is falling apart. How reassuring is it to know that in every day, in everything God is working in you so that his goodness will be glorified.

Verse 31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Doesn’t this one verse say it all? No matter the trouble we face, no matter the number of people who seem to look down on us because of our faith, we can rest knowing that God is for us.

Above all, the last two verses of this chapter always seem to go with me. When I find myself discouraged, I always look to verses 38 and 39, which say that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God. Death, life, demons, or even the world cannot separate us from his unending love. How great is our God, that he will love us no matter what.

I know that in my life I struggle with loving everyone. When I see a loved one hurt because of someone’s actions, it is difficult for me to practice “loving” this person who has hurt someone so close to me. It is difficult for me to love people that have wronged me, and it’s sometimes difficult for me to love those people the world tells me that are “unlovable” such as criminals and whatnot, but at the end of the day I HAVE to remember that as God has loved everyone, so should I. How great is our God that he loves every single one of us. No matter our past or our future, we know that God will always love us and will always have his arms wide open for us to return to him.

If God is capable of loving everyone, so we should practice this love as well. If Jesus Christ died for us, the least we as Christians can do is love everyone even those people that world tells us are “unlovable.”

We as Christians are more than conquerors. We are capable of conquering the world, but in order to do so we must remember the ultimate sacrifice. We also must live in such a way that obeys the commands that God has given us. First and foremost we have to love.