Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It's not a sprint, but a MARATHON


I'm officially done with my freshman year of college at one of the best, and most recognized campuses in the entire world.

"How was your first year?"

As one of the most asked questions, I'll answer it here too. While my first year was definitely great, and a blessing beyond belief, above all it was a surprise.

Going from a small school, where I was considered "smart" to a school where I constantly felt inadequate was definitely a surprise. While it was easy to be discouraged or compare myself to the thousands of academic scholars surrounding me, the one thing I relied on was my God. He was the one who made known that I was supposed to be at Texas A&M. On those days where I constantly felt like I wasn't smart enough, or couldn't make the grades, God cradled me, and helped me realize that one class, or one semester will not hold me back from a life that he has called of me.

I was surprised by how quickly God blessed me with friendships. Leaving high school and Camp Deer Run, I knew I had several close friends. These were individuals I could trust, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find friends of such caliber. How surprised was I when in the first two weeks, I was already surrounded with a small group of AFCers that to this day I still call my best friends. I have grown so close to these individuals, and I know that our friendships will last beyond these four years at this university.

I was surprised by my strong faith. This sounds horrible to say, it really does, but when you are always told that 'those college students fall so quickly' I was nervous. I wasn't nervous that I would transition into a life-style of alcohol and partying, no; but I was nervous that the intimate relationship I had with God would change. Boy was I  wrong! Immediately God saw that I was plugged in, being involved in a church activity every day. He also provided me with my first mission opportunity, which left me yearning for more. To say I was surprised by the blessings God poured out on me during my first year would be an understatement, but it came as no surprise to see truly that our God is a good God who cares for his children.

It came as a surprise how difficult it was to leave my family. Being separated by little over 200 hundred miles was more difficult than I imagined. It was even harder to know that my family was struggling. Without going in to much detail, I will say that my mother has been sick since Easter. Her sickness, and the fact that I wasn't home to assess her condition myself tore at me everyday.

So my first year was full of surprises. Though it had downs, I would definitely say that my year was better than I could imagine. I am so thankful for the blessings God has provided me. Also, I am thankful for the individuals who constantly showed me their support and encouragement. The people who constantly prayed for me as I struggled with test anxiety, just know that I'm succeeding because of you and God!

What now?

Well now it is summer time! Which for me translates into three off weeks before I start up at Camp Deer Run. In these three weeks I'm at home I have plans to road trip, learn to drive a stick shift, and do a whole bunch of fishing.

In the long run, this is one year under the belt. I have three more at Texas A&M, the medical school, residency, and specialization. Crazy, but the next 11 years of my life will be jammed pack of school and learning. Why have I made the decision to pursue a career in medicine when so much is changing with health care you ask? Because God has called me. I choose not to look at the future salary, or the way that the healthcare will be changing, because I know that regardless, people need doctors. Not only do they need doctors, but they need Christian doctors who will fight for them to see that they get the care they need. Maybe one day you'll be my patient, and you'll see. I truly believe God has called me to the field of medicine, to serve him. I believe that I have the potential to make it through medical school, and that if I do not live up to my full-potential, I'll be settling. So I press on... for up to 11 more years. Yes it'll be exhausting, and I'll probably complain and grow weary along the way, but I'm asking you to say a special prayer for me. Pray that God will make his way known for me, and pray that I have the endurance to answer his call.