Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Day 2 of Orientation is complete. The first day was mainly getting to know eachother. Although, there was a period where I about passed out. As night devo came to a close, I lost sight, my body had broken out in a cold sweat, and I almost collapsed. Thank goodness for some of my fellow staff members, that's too formal because they are my friends,but I made it to a bench in time. I haven't had one of these spells in a LONG time and quite frankly I was scared. Im assuming that I have low blood pressure, but eventually I'll go to a doctor. So specificlly pray that I remain healthy! I have learned to value every minute of my time out here, because it goes by utterly too fast. Sunday the campers get here! Ahhh! After a year of praying and hoping, my time has come. Anyway, tonight was staff game night as we all were competing for $100! Woo! We dressed up in crazy costumes and began the first 3 eliminations by team. Well, we dominated the first physical challenge of carrying our team members on a mattress, but when it came to a tissue ripping contest, we were eliminated. In good spirit we cheered on the rest! :) My time here has truly helped me grow closer to my co-workers. I can honestly say that I enjoy everyone's company. Well for now it is lights out. I apologize for any spelling errors as this post came from my phone. For now alwa remember to remain in God. In Him, Smiles :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Today's the day!

Today is the day! For what seems like ages, I have always wanted to be a staff member at Camp Deer Run. This dream finally became a reality back in April when I got my letter in the mail, but even then it wasn't quite tangible. Now it's real, because today is the day I officially move to CDR for more than two weeks. I'm moving in for the entire summer! Now if that doesn't make you excited, there must be something wrong! Haha, I'm kidding. As I loaded up my car with an extremely large amount of things, it hit me. I'm finally a staff member. I finally have the opportunity to give back to this special place in my heart by sharing God's word and his love with every camper that enters the gates. It is my intention to use my blog to share my journey with everyone. I ask for prayers as I, along with the other staff members, go to work today. I ask that you pray for our safety, our mission, and most importantly that the campers’ hearts will be prepared for learning. Thank you for all the support up to today. No words will ever describe just how thankful I am.

In Him,


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The dangers of routine

Tonight, after having a really good girls class, I took the time to sit down and evaluate my spiritual life. I feel like these "spiritual evaluations" are critical to our growing faith. So every now and then (usually it is always then) I take the time to approach God with my life. Tonight I would almost promise you that God whispered his response in my ear. I felt as of God was shining a light on my life, showing me that if I'm not careful my faith will become luke-warm and God will spit me out of his mouth. God revealed to me how "routine" my relationship with him is tonight. Wake up pray & read the Bible, while in the car pray, then journal, read, an pray when I go to bed. Don't get me wrong routines can be great, but mine has become complacent. Going through the motions, it is almost as if my relationship with God was just becoming a routine part of my schedule. Sometimes I get so caught up in plans and schedules that I don't take the time to pursue a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God. How easy I could blame this ony chaotic lifestyle, but at the end of my life these "excuses" would amount to nothing before God. In order to pursue God I want to mix up my routine. I want to find a spontaneous love for God in which I'm constantly pursuing him and drawing nearer to him. My realization tonight came at the perfect time, though I wish it had been sooner. As I begin a summer in which I'll be sharing my faith, I don't want to simply share my routine with God, but instead I want to share my passion. I encourage everyone to evaluate your walk with God. Maybe you think you are content with how things are, but always remember James 4:8. "Come near to God, and he will come near to you." No matter where you are on your walk, you can always come closer to God and you can always turn a complacent relationship into a passionate, intimate one. Have a blessed rest of the week! :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Changing chapters...

Well, it's official... I'm a blogger! Considering that my life will soon become very chaotic, leaving less time for Facebook & Twitter, I decided that the best way to give updates on my life would be through a blog. Simple and easy, I can catch you up on my life's crazy events through one simple sitting. This way my "posts" will be longer than a few sentences for a status, or more characters than allowed on Twitter. Anyway, accept it; this is the best way to stay in touch with my life.

To start, I would like to state the known: I graduate in 3 weeks. Never have I felt so many mixed emotions about graduation. Yes I'm sad to say goodbye to my small town I call home; yes I'm sad to walk away from a church family that has contributed so much to my spiritual growth; yes I'm sad that I won't see my friends ever day, but above all I am rejoicing! There is a time to be sad, a time to mourn, but now is a time to embrace the future with joy. Though the goodbyes will be rough, I look forward to a new chapter of life, a chapter where I feel as if I will actually begin "living." Growing up, I had always been encouraged to trust in God's plans, but I never really had the opportunity to watch as God's plans become a living reality. Most of you know that beginning May 28, I begin my dream job at Camp Deer Run. Much prayer has gone into this dream of mine, and I anxiously look forward to starting the transition from camper to staff. Just to have the opportunity to serve kids, as I was served growing up, thrills me. In no way will I ever begin to describe my years as a camper at Deer Run. No other place has helped me build my faith, triumphantly overcome hardships, and help me develop into the woman I am today. CDR has truly impacted my life and the only way to honestly say is that God used camp to touch a part of my heart and soul that never could have been reached. With this said, I ask for prayers as I step up to fill some big shows. The tables have turned and now it's me sharing God's word and love. I am the counselor who listens to the campers and prays over them. I am the counselor that ten years down the road my campers can say, "Do you remember when Katelyn was our first counselor?!!" I am looking forward to the summer at Deer Run, and I pray that you will accompany me in praying for my preparation for the summer.

As if my summer at Deer Run wasn't exciting enough, this fall I will begin studying at no other than Texas A&M. Ya my major is tough, and yes I understand it will require a good bit of studying and practice, but God has called me to study medicine. I feel called by God to study medicine, become a doctor, and use this title to reach out to individuals and a world of science that seems to have forgotten God. At A&M I will room with one of my best friends, and I will be a part of AFC. I already have a large handful of friends from both church and camp, but I look forward to making those college friends who will "last a lifetime." This chapter of life will be quite different than what I am used to. I ask for prayers as I begin my college experience, and I ask for encouragement as I begin pursuing my future career.

Well, for a first blog this has been much longer than I expected. My life is in God's hands, and every day he seems to reveal to me more of his master plan. I look forward to watching as God uses me, because I feel like he is preparing me for something much bigger than Winnsboro, Texas. Please pray for me and my family during this time. These changes will definitely take some adjustments (especially for my parents!) For now I encourage you all to follow God, and allow him to lead you. :)